Brand Identity is the first independent (non-political & non-governmental) portal that provides Moldova's and international news and stories. It informs, inspires, and sparks a deeper understanding to visitors who are seeking information on the Republic of Moldova.

logo design

Brand elements

A key element of the corporate design of is the Moldova-shaped logotype and the use of the primary colours (red, yellow and blue), which are also the colours of the country. Those stand for the combination of national identity as well as trustworthy journalism, and that makes it unique in Moldova.


In addition to aiming for a facelift of the old logo, all basic elements were newly developed and coordinated in the multi-stage redesign process.

Logo from 2006
Logo from 2013
Rebrand from 2018
logo anatomy
brand book mockup

Color palette

Color tryouts
brand book mock-up opened at color palette page


Fira Sans Extra Condensed ad Raleway are Google Fonts chosen as main typefaces.

typefaces imageflyers mockup
twitter post mockupemail signature design mockupbusiness cards design mockupmerch design mockup

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